Welcome to

Hesed Sanctuary

Kingdom Renewal - Back to the basics of God's design

Our Story...so far

Hesed Sanctuary is the vision that we believe God has given us for His family, the Church. It has been over a 20 year journey. We are not living in the fullness of this vision yet, but we believe we are close! Hallelujah! Our Heavenly Father has been teaching and pruning us to live in the oneness with Him and His Church, that He designed. We believe this is the greatest form of sharing and showing the Good News.


We started getting more vivid dreams, visions and revelation about God's original design for His church, in 2011. We believe the Lord was starting to give us pictures and words as to what living as the body of Christ looks like today, in our culture. We see the body of Christ living, communing, working, playing and ministering daily similar to what we read about in the Holy Bible. We see it as some people living sustainably together on a plot of land while others in the community coming to the land to connect/commune daily. As we mature in the Lord, we share and show His love with the community around us. In 2021, we heard God say it was time to "Go On Mission". We quit our jobs in 2022 and joined a YWAM DTS in Nashville. This was the beginning of the Lord uprooting everything. After 6 months with YWAM, including 2 months in Vietnam, we found ourselves back home in Indiana in the beginning of 2023. As we prayed, we kept hearing that we were to start working on the vision of living as the body of Christ, daily. We believe the Lord gave us the name Hesed Sanctuary. The word hesed is a Hebrew word that can be summed up as the covenant, faithfulness, grace, and loving-kindness of God. We see this is the love that God has between He and us as well as between those in His Church. We felt the word sanctuary was fitting as much of us, in the Church, are needing a place of healing, deliverance and rest before we can BE the Church as God designed.


Toward the end of 2023, we felt the Lord calling us to halt the work on this vision and just seek His face. The mission was taking more of our affection than Him. During this season, we started hearing the Lord talk about YWAM again. We felt He was telling us to go serve with YWAM for 2 years to learn how they live, work and play together as well as to practice the strategies He has been showing us. We submitted our applications and they accepted. We also believe we heard the Lord say to sell our home in January of 2024. The house had an offer in 3 days! Fast forward to the end of May 2024 and we finally closed on the sale of our home after a long 4 months. Praise the Lord! We are now set to move to Adams, Tennessee to serve with YWAM Nashville in August 2024.


We'd love to invite you to join us in praying for our family as we serve for two years at YWAM Nashville. Please contact us if feel led to regularly pray and receive our updates. One of our prayer requests is that we are asking the Lord for $1500/month financial support to cover our housing and expenses while serving at YWAM Nashville. To serve with YWAM, each person/family is required to raise support by partnering with the body of Christ and others. We'd love to partner with you in this way as the Lord leads.

Financial Support

If you are led to support us financially, please click the "Give" menu link at the top or bottom of this page. This page will provide you with a Tithe.ly link for giving. Thank you!


We have a vision from the Lord to see Jesus' prayer in John 17 answered.


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